Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ear Inn

My second reading for the month of April (both the cruelest month, according to T.S. Eliot and National Poetry Month: discuss) happened this past Saturday (4/28/07) at the fabled Ear Inn. In the photo at right are Justin Orfanella, who read a collaborative piece with his father, Lou Orfanella, Ear Inn host Michael Broder, yours truly, and Noah Gershman.

Thanks to Noah, an extremely talented and fascinating poet, the joint was packed. The work of all the readers was well-received by the engaged and erudite crowd. One exiting listener - clad in a hooded parka and what looked like an urban sombrero (note: the outdoor temperature was in the 70s) - stopped to give me a hearty handclasp and say something along the lines of "Kudos." Definitely my type of acknowledgement, brief and to the point. And then just like that he vanished out into the balmy street.

My brother Chris also attended, making him but only the second blood relative to ever hear me read my poetry. My son Reed holds the distinction of being the first, as he was in attendance at The Cornelia Street Cafe last week for my reading in celebration of the release of issue #7 of Terra Incognita.

So far, there have been no interventions or attempts to have me committed to a nut house.

(Photo by MsAPhillips)



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